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This reference page provides comprehensive documentation for all ScriptDoc tags, in alphabetical order.
Several tags have "synonyms" where you can use two differently named tags to document the same thing. You can use a synonym by using the exact same syntax as the original tag, but just substituting the tag name.
The section for each tag includes the following information:
- Short description of the tag
- Syntax
- What the tag applies to
- Longer explanation of the tag
* Example (Some tags have multiple examples)
The following tags are valid for code documentation:
ID for a class or function.
Applies to: Any
@alias fooBar
Use the @alias tag to ID a class or function if you have used a "shorthand" way to code the full name for that class or function.
This example shows the @alias tag used to id a function called fooBar in the FOO.Lib namespace.
FOO.Lib.update(FOO.Lib, {
* Returns a function that will return a number one greater than the previous returned value, starting at n.
* @alias fooBar
* @alias FOO.Lib.fooBar
* @param {Object} n Number to start with. Default is 1.
* @return {Function) Returns a function that will return a number one greater than the previous returned value.
fooBar: function (n/* = 1 */) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
n = 1;
return function () {
return n++;
Author of a JavaScript file or function.
Applies to: Any
@author Author-name [email]
Use @author to credit the author of a JavaScript file or function.
This example shows the @author tag used with the @fileoverview and @version tags to provide header information for a JavaScript file.
* @projectDescription Joe Smith's wonderful JavaScript library.
* @author Joe Smith
* @version 0.1
Description of the class.
Applies to: Function
@classDescription Description
Use the @classDescription tag to give a short description of the class (if applicable).
This example shows a sample documentation block for a basic Shape class.
* Create a new instance of Shape.
* @classDescription This class creates a new Shape.
* @return {Shape} Returns a new Shape.
* @type {Object}
* @constructor
function Shape() {
Shows that a function is a constructor for a class.
Applies to: Function
Use the @constructor tag to signify that a function is a constructor if you are coding in an object-oriented programming style.
This example shows a sample documentation block for a basic Shape class.
* Create a new instance of Shape.
* @classDescription This class creates a new Shape.
* @return {Object} Returns a new Shape object.
* @constructor
function Shape() {
Signifies that a function or a property has been deprecated.
Applies to: Function or property.
Use the @deprecated tag to show that a function or a property has been deprecated and should not be used.
This example shows a @deprecated tag added to a documentation block for a function.
* This function gets a foo by name.
* @param {Object} fooName Name of the foo to retrieve.
* @return {Object} Returns a new foo.
* @deprecated
Specifies the type of exception thrown by a function.
Applies to: Function
@exception {Exception} Exception-description
Use the @exception tag to specify any exceptions thrown by a function. You can specify multiple exceptions in a documentation block.
This example shows a function that throws two exceptions--a "MemoryException" and a "GeneralShapeException".
* This function creates a new Shape object.
* @exception {MemoryException} Throws a memory exception if out of memory.
* @exception {GeneralShapeException} Throws a general shape exception if the object is not a shape.
* @return {Object} Returns a new shape object.
Unique identifier for a function or property.
Applies to: All
@id identifierName
Use @id to link a function or property to its documentation in an external @sdoc file. Add the @id tag both inline right above a function and to the documentation block in the .sdoc file to create the link.
This example shows an inline @id tag for the function foo.
/** @id */
function foo() {
Signifies that a function is a member of the specified class.
Applies to: Function, Property.
@memberOf Class
Use the @memberOf tag to signify that a function is a member of the specified class.
This example shows that the getFoo function is a member of the fooBar class.
* @memberOf fooBar
function getFoo(){
Signifies that a function is a method of a class, if applicable.
Applies to: Function
Use the @method tag to signify a method of a class if you are coding in an object-oriented programming style.
This example shows a @method tag.
* @method
Creates the namespace prefix for a library file.
Applies to: File
@namespace namespaceName
Creates the link between the namespace of a library file and an external .sdoc file.
This example shows how to use the @namespace tag to link the namespace of a library to an .sdoc file.
The excerpt below would go at both the top of the library file that contains the "ajax" namespace for the "snazzyLib" library and the corresponding "ajax.sdoc" file that contains the documentation for the "ajax" namespace in snazzyLib:
* @namespace snazzyLib.ajax
Use @param to tag each parameter for a function.
Applies to: Function
@param {Type[, Type, ... ]} [Parameter |...] Parameter-Description
Gives information about a parameter for a function. Specify the data type between the curly braces. If the parameter is optional, add '[]' around the parameter name.
Standard example
The following example shows a parameter for a function that takes a String named myDog.
* @param {String} myDog The name of the dog.
Optional parameter example
The following example shows an optional parameter that can be either a String or a Date.
* @param {String, Date} [myDate] Specifies the date, if applicable.
Multiple objects example
The following example shows a parameter that can be one or more Strings.
* @param {String} ... Takes one or more dog parameters.
Gives a description of a JavaScript file.
Applies to: File.
@projectDescription Description
Use the @projectDescription tag as the first tag in the first documentation block for a JavaScript file. The @projectDescription tag signifies that the entire documentation block is part of a project description.
This example shows the @projectDescription tag used with the @author and @version tags to provide header information for a JavaScript file.
* @projectDescription This library contains a lot of classes and functions.
* @author Joe Smith
* @version 0.1
Specifies information about the return value(s) of a function.
Applies to: Function
@return {Type [, Type, ...]} Returns-Description
@return gives a description for the return value of a function.
This example shows a return value for a function that returns a new foo object.
* @return {Object} Returns a new foo object.
Defines the path to an external .sdoc file for a library file.
Applies to: File
@sdoc filePath
Associates an external @sdoc file with a JavaScript file. Use either a relative or absolute path.
This example shows a documentation block that associates an "ajax.sdoc" file in the "scripts/snazzyLib" directory with the current JavaScript file:
* @sdoc scripts/snazzyLib/ajax.sdoc
Links to another related class or function.
Applies to: Any
@see Class | #Function | Class#Function
Use the @see tag to add a link to another class, a function within the current class, or a function in another class.
Function example
This example shows a link to a function named "foo" in the same class as the one being documented.
* @see #foo
Class example
This example shows a link to a class named "fooBar".
* @see fooBar
Function in another class example
This example shows a link to a function named "foo" in another class named "fooBar".
* @see fooBar#foo
Specifies since which version the library, function, or property became valid.
Applies to: File, Function, Property
@since Version-number
Specifies since which version the library, function, or property became valid.
This example shows a @since tag, used in conjunction with @projectDescription, @author, and @version tags. A documentation block like this would go at the top of a JavaScript file.
* @projectDescription This library contains a lot of classes and functions.
* @author Joe Smith
* @version 1.1
* @since 1.0
Specifies what data type a property is.
Applies to Property
@type {Type}
Specifies what data type a property is.
This example uses the @return tag with the @type tag to show the return type for a function that creates a new foo.
* This property describes what type of shape an object is.
* @type {Object} This property describes what type of shape an object is.
Specifies the version number of the JavaScript file or class.
Applies to: Any
@version Version-Number
Specifies the version number of the JavaScript file or class.
This example shows the @version tag used with the @projectDescription and @author tags to provide header information for a JavaScript file.
* @projectDescription A description of the file ahead
* @author Joe Smith
* @version 0.1