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출처 : http://www.ociweb.com/mark/programming/WAX.html

삽질 끝????


What's the best way to read a large XML document? Of course you'd use a SAX parser or a pull parser. What's the best way to write a large XML document? Building a DOM structure to describe a large XML document won't work because it won't fit in memory. Even if it did, it's not a simple API to use. There hasn't been a solution that is simple and memory efficient until now.

Writing API for XML (WAX) is a free, open-source, library for writing XML documents. I created it because I got an OutOfMemoryError while trying to output a large XML document from an application I wrote using JDOM, another Java-based XML library. I searched for other libraries that could write large XML documents but couldn't find any that were as simple to use as I thought they should be.

WAX is released under the LGPL with the intention of making its use unencumbered. It is well-tested and ready for production use. The WAX home page is at http://www.ociweb.com/wax/. Java and Ruby versions are available now. The Java version of WAX can be downloaded from Google Code at http://code.google.com/p/waxy/. For information about the Ruby version, click here. Ports for other programming languages will follow.

WAX has the following characteristics:

  • focuses on writing XML, not reading it
  • requires less code than other approaches
  • uses less memory than other approaches
    (because it outputs XML as each method is called rather than
    storing it in a DOM-like structure and outputting it later)
  • doesn't depend on any Java classes other than standard JDK classes
  • is a small library (around 16K)
  • writes all XML node types
  • always outputs well-formed XML or throws an exception unless running in "trust me" mode
  • provides extensive error checking
  • automatically escapes special characters in text and attribute values (unless "unescaped" methods are used)
  • allows most error checking to be turned off for performance
  • knows how to associate DTDs, XML Schemas and XSLT stylesheets with the XML it outputs
  • is well-suited for writing XML request and response messages for REST-based and SOAP-based services

WAX Tutorial

This section provides many examples of using WAX. Each code snippet is followed by the output it produces.

When the no-arg WAX constructor is used, XML is written to standard output. There are also WAX constructors that take a java.io.OutputStream or a java.io.Writer object.

Here's a simple example where only a root element is written:

WAX wax = new WAX();

After a WAX object is closed, a new one must be created in order to write more XML. In the examples that follow, assume that has been done.

Let's write a root element with some text inside:


The default indentation used is two spaces. The end method terminates the element that is started by the start method. In this case it's not necessary to call end because the close method terminates all unterminated elements.

Let's put the text inside a child element:


Let's do the same with the child convenience method: which is equivalent to calling start, text and end.

wax.start("car").child("model", "Prius").close();

Let's put text containing all the special XML characters in a CDATA section:


Let's output the XML without indentation, on a single line:

wax.start("car").child("model", "Prius").close();

Let's indent the XML with four spaces instead of the default of two:

wax.setIndent("    "); // can also call setIndent(4)
wax.start("car").child("model", "Prius").close();

Let's add an attribute:

wax.start("car").attr("year", 2008).child("model", "Prius").close();
<car year="2008">

Attributes must be specified before any content for their element is specified. For example, calling start, attr and text is valid, but calling start, text and attr is not. If this rule is violated then an IllegalStateException is thrown.

Let's add an XML declaration:

WAX wax = new WAX(Version.V1_0); // Version is an enum
wax.start("car").attr("year", 2008)
.child("model", "Prius").close();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<car year="2008">

Let's add a comment:

wax.comment("This is a hybrid car.")
.start("car").child("model", "Prius").close();
<!-- This is a hybrid car. -->

Let's add a processing instruction:

wax.processingInstruction("target", "data")
.start("car").attr("year", 2008)
.child("model", "Prius").close();
<?target data?>
<car year="2008">

Let's associate an XSLT stylesheet with the XML: The xslt method is a convenience method for adding this commonly used processing instruction.

.start("car").attr("year", 2008)
.child("model", "Prius").close();
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="car.xslt"?>
<car year="2008">

Let's associate a default namespace with the XML:

wax.start("car").attr("year", 2008)
.child("model", "Prius").close();
<car year="2008"

Let's associate a non-default namespace with the XML:

String prefix = "c";
wax.start(prefix, "car").attr("year", 2008)
.namespace(prefix, "http://www.ociweb.com/cars")
.child(prefix, "model", "Prius").close();
<c:car year="2008"

Like attributes, namespaces must be specified before any content for their element is specified. If this rule is violated then an IllegalStateException is thrown.

Let's associate an XML Schema with the XML:

wax.start("car").attr("year", 2008)
.defaultNamespace("http://www.ociweb.com/cars", "car.xsd")
.child("model", "Prius").close();
<car year="2008"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ociweb.com/cars car.xsd">

Let's associate multiple XML Schemas with the XML:

wax.start("car").attr("year", 2008)
.defaultNamespace("http://www.ociweb.com/cars", "car.xsd")
.namespace("m", "http://www.ociweb.com/model", "model.xsd")
.child("m", "model", "Prius").close();
<car year="2008"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ociweb.com/cars car.xsd
http://www.ociweb.com/model model.xsd">

Let's associate a DTD with the XML:

.start("car").attr("year", 2008)
.child("model", "Prius").close();
<!DOCTYPE car SYSTEM "car.dtd">
<car year="2008">

Let's add and use entity definitions:

String url = "http://www.ociweb.com/xml/";
wax.entityDef("oci", "Object Computing, Inc.")
.externalEntityDef("moreData", url + "moreData.xml")
.unescapedText("The author works at &oci; in St. Louis, Missouri.",
true) // avoiding escaping for entity reference
.unescapedText("&moreData;", true)
<!DOCTYPE root [
<!ENTITY oci "Object Computing, Inc.">
<!ENTITY moreData SYSTEM "http://www.ociweb.com/xml/moreData.xml">
The author works at &oci; in St. Louis, Missouri.

A common usage pattern is to pass a WAX object to a method of model objects that use it to write their XML representation. For example, a Car class could have the following method.

public void toXML(WAX wax) {
.attr("year", year)
.child("make", make)
.child("model", model)

An example of the XML this would produce follows:

<car year="2008">

A Person class whose objects hold a reference to an Address object could have the following method.

public void toXML(WAX wax) {
.attr("birthdate", birthdate)
.child("name", name);

The Address class could have the following method.

public void toXML(WAX wax) {
.child("street", street);
.child("city", city);
.child("state", state);
.child("zip", zip);

An example of the XML this would produce follows:

<person birthdate="4/16/1961">
<name>R. Mark Volkmann</name>
<street>123 Some Street</street>
<city>Some City</city>

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